What will my coach do in the sessions?
I will give you my undivided attention and actively listen to you, giving you space, time and peace to allow your mind to access it’s deep thinking vault.
I will provide a safe environment, free of judgement, opinion, or personal comment.
I will actively listen to verbal and non-verbal language, taking cues from your body language and energy to explore where you are now and support your intentions to move forwards from that state.
I will be mindful of allowing pauses, thoughtful moments and reflective practices within sessions, to encourage you to find the answers within.
I will uncover, clarify and reflect with you as to what you want to achieve, the meaning it has for you, and how you choose to measure and achieve that.
I will treat you with respect and dignity at all times.
I will try my best to make you feel safe and secure in the sessions.
I will enable you to share your thoughts in confidence (there are safeguarding and supervision exceptions to this that will be explained to you beforehand).
I will ask your permission to introduce a concept, share an observation, insight, comment, or offer a relevant activity.
I will ask your permission to record your session, if I need to for the purpose of evidencing my coaching hours.
I will ask for your permission to log the basic details of our coaching sessions as evidence for accreditation purposes.
What if something ‘big’ comes up for me in the sessions?
There may be things that come up for you, in which we believe you may be best served by accessing another form of professional support. If this is the case, I will discuss this with you and I can signpost you to professional bodies that can support you in that manner.
This does not mean that your coaching needs to cease. In many circumstances, it is beneficial to maintain your coaching sessions alongside other therapeutic, or medical interventions. This will be a decision entirely for you to make.
What standards does my coach work by?
I am a certified with the International Coaching Federation at level 2, having completed a professional coaching diploma, issued by Optimus Coach Academy.
This diploma is also certified with the Association for Coaching.
I am certified with the European Mentoring & Coaching Council.
I work with integrity and commitment to the International Coaching Federation’s Code of Ethics:
ICF Code of Ethics - International Coaching Federation
I am fully insured with Public Indemnity and Public Liability cover.
I am committed to my Continuing Professional Development, by attending courses, attaining further certifications in areas of interest to me, and undertaking my own coaching, supervision and mentoring.
What is coaching?
It is a non-directive service, with a focus on ‘partnering with the client to enable a thought-provoking and creative process to take place, that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential’ (Source: International Coaching Federation).
It focuses on your mindest, perspective, feelings, behaviour, habits, and responses. It draws on your motivation, commitment, intentions, and desires to move you towards your own visions, step by step, in your own time.
It is a forward-looking approach, whose purpose is to work towards a goal, or outcome and a future-state that the client wants to achieve.
What is coaching not about?
It is NOT counselling, psychotherapy, mentoring, or consulting. I am not a therapist, although the process has the potential to feel very therapeutic.
It is NOT about talking about trying to understand mental health conditions, past trauma, labelling or diagnosing. These areas are for other qualified professionals.
It is NOT about giving you the answers, advice, direction, or my own views.
It is NOT about the fixing the problem, or fixing you. It is rather looking at the wider picture to see how you can approach it from a different perspective.
What can I do to get the most out of coaching?
Have a think about what you would like to talk about in your sessions, what issues are taking up your time, what you want to be different at end of each session and how you would like to feel.
Ensure you have met your basic needs first – food, hydration, warmth, comfort and feeling relaxed are key to allowing clear thinking to happen.
Give yourself permission and time to ‘unwind’ and prepare for 10 -15 mins prior to the session. Honour yourself by ensuring you are not distracted in your session; you deserve to have a quiet, private space to talk freely and give yourself permission to concentrate solely on yourself in the session. Do not focus on the story of others – this time is to focus on what you are doing, thinking and feeling.
Be open to discussing things that are important to you, close to your heart and your inner most thoughts. Be creative, curious and limitless in your thoughts.